Chagrin Falls High School Athletics

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Chagrin Falls is excited to announce in 2023-24 our new sports medicine provider is University Hospitals.  University Hospitals Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute is proud to be the official health care provider of the Chagrin Falls Tigers. The UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute - Your leader for comprehensive sports medicine care for athletes of all ages and levels - providing a competitive advantage on the field of play and in life.  For more information, visit, UHSPORTS.ORG.

Starting Fridays in the Fall here is an After the Lights Injury Clinic at UH Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute at Ahuja Medical Center. Click here for More Details

Here is a video on the new Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute:  Click for Video

Link for Treatment Information: Click Here

Chagrin Falls is also excited to have a new athletic trainer Evan Schlanser. Evan comes to us from St Ignatius where he was an assistant athletic trainer. Evan is a native of Chagrin Falls and is excited to be working with our school. Evan can be reached at  Evan will be working closely with our team Doctor Jacob Calcei. 

Evan Schlanser

Dr Jacob Calcei

Calcei Jacob | ICRS Main Site